The Waters of Alchemy are ravenous acids, miraculous solvents and corrosive fluids vital to alchemical process. Not for children. Creation and use of these waters are dangerous. In science and mysticism alchemy uses various liquids to catalyze processes of transformation.

Five essential alchemical waters are
Aqua divina - divine water, oil of vitriol, sulfuric acid
Aqua fortis - strong water - nitric acid
Aqua ragia - flowing water - spirit of turpentine
Aqua regia - royal water (aqua fortis + hydrochloric acid) the Green Lyon of alchemy
Aqua tofani - arsenic trioxide
In recorded practice alchemy is over 2000 years old. It's older if one includes the mummification and preservation methods of ancient Egypt or the use of fermentation in the nature-inspired making of honey mead c. 7000 BCE in China.

Clichés of the philosopher's stone, transmutation of base metals into gold, and quest for the Elixir of Life emerge as time goes on. The "lapis philosphorum" is first mentioned in the 14th century. A substance simply called "stone" appears in early alchemy and Greek philosophy.
Platitudes are often propagated by practitioners of alchemy themselves. From the teachings of Mary the Jewess (c. 100 AD), considered the first true alchemist, to the Jungian philosophies of the 20th century, alchemy creates a language of mystic symbols and metaphors.
1. Aqua Divina (Divine Water, Oil of Vitriol) - Sulfuric Acid (H2SO4)
Sulfuric acid or sulphuric acid, known in antiquity as oil of vitriol, is a mineral acid composed of the elements sulfur, oxygen, and hydrogen. A colorless, odorless, viscous liquid miscible with water, pure sulfuric acid isn't found in nature due to a strong attraction to water vapor.
Sulfuric acid bonds well with water (H20). With a sharp pungent smell, this colorless to slightly yellow viscous liquid is soluble in water at all concentrations.
This hygroscopic nature lets it easily absorb water vapor from air. Sulfuric acid is a component of acid rain. It's highly corrosive towards other materials, from rocks to metals. As an oxidant it has powerful dehydrating properties. Skin contact causes painful burns.
2. Aqua Fortis (Spirit of Niter) – Nitric Acid (HN03)
Aqua fortis means "strong water". Known as Queen of Acids due to its powerful corrosive properties, it's historically used in refining metals and extracting precious substances. Alchemists value aqua fortis for its ability to dissolve metals, giving it transformative qualities.

It's important to the breakdown and recombination of materials, a type of purification. Like its mate aqua divina, nitric acid is highly corrosive and can cause severe burns. The dual nature of acidic or corrosive waters exemplifies its capacities of destruction and creation.
Nitric acid is used today in the production of fertilizers, explosives and various industrial chemicals. In 1863, during the Civil War, Confederate chemist Jonathan Harrelson solves a gunpowder shortage with potassium nitrate (KNO3) made of nitric acid extracted from urine.

3. Aqua Ragia (C10H16) Spirit of Turpentine
Distilled turpentine oil is a flavoring component in foods and beverages. It's employed in production of soap and cosmetics, as well as a paint solvent. Additionally, it is included in perfumes, foods, and cleaning products for its aromatic properties.
Derived from gum turpentine or oleoresin, aqua ragia is a potential universal solvent sought by alchemists. Aqua ragia symbolizes the power to dissolve boundaries and facilitate the union of seemingly disparate elements, or the unity of opposites.

In alchemy it's used as a solvent and a crucial component in the preparation of various elixirs and tinctures. Often associated with turpentine oil derived from pine resin, aqua ragia intrigues alchemists with its volatile nature and transformative potential.
4. Aqua Regia (HNO₃+3 HCl) Aqua Fortis + Spirit of Salt - Royal Water
Aqua regia, also known as royal water, is a potent blend of aqua fortis (nitric acid) and hydrochloric acid (commonly called "spirit of salt"). Typically, the concentrated nitric acid is mixed with three times the volume of hydrochloric acid.

Alchemists name this mixture "royal water" due to its capacity to dissolve gold and other acid-resistant noble metals such as platinum and palladium. It appears as a red or yellow liquid.
The unique ability to dissolve noble metals imitates nature in its capacity for both destruction and creation. Historically, aqua regia is used in refinement of precious metals and creation of solutions for complex chemical processes.

5. Aqua Tofani – Arsenic Trioxide (As2O3) Deadly Dew
Aqua tofani or arsenic trioxide is recognized for toxic traits. Despite and because of its dangerous reputation, aqua tofani is another favorite water of alchemists. Again, this lethal elixir epitomizes the dual essence of existence eventually attained in the Renaissance Rebis.
Arsenic trioxide, a colorless or transparent, odorless, tasteless and nonflammable solid is a toxic and commonly found arsenic compound. The solubility of arsenic salts in water differs based on the specific salt.

Ingested or inhaled, arsenic trioxide is quickly absorbed, while absorption through the skin is slower. Despite well known toxicity, arsenic trioxide is used in traditional Chinese medicine, where it's called pi-shuang (砒霜). In homeopathy, it's arsenicum album or white arsenic.
Arsenic oxide derivatives are once included in some patent medicines. Today, arsenic trioxide is used to treat specific cancers. However it's highly absorbable. Ingestion of just 0.1 grams is fatal. Chronic arsenic poisoning or arsenicosis happens when the metal builds up in the body.
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