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Short Chain Fatty Acids: Form & Function

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Feb 12

Short chain fatty acids (SCFAs) are tiny molecules, usually fewer than six carbon atoms. They exert strong influences on health, especially digestion and metabolism in organisms like humans and chickens.


About Short Chain Fatty Acids

Certain types of fat are essential for physical and mental health. These beneficial fats are the short-chain fatty acids. SCFAs are created mainly in the digestive tracts of humans and farm animals.

Short-chain fatty acids are shown to maintain intestinal health in poultry. They're a primary energy source for enterocytes, the absorptive cells of the small intestine.

human lower digestive tract

SCFAs prevent pathogen invasion and colonization by reducing the intestinal pH to create a more acidic environment and deter pathogens. They can also travel through the bloodstream to other body parts.

Unlike long-chain fatty acids of olive oil or avocados, SCFAs are produced when beneficial bacteria in the intestines ferment dietary fiber indigestible to the human body. There are three main types of SCFAs.


Acetate: The most abundant SCFA, acetate is used as energy by other bacteria in the GI tract and also travels to the liver, muscles, and brain where it functions in metabolism.

Propionate: Primarily metabolized in the liver, propionate helps regulate glucose production.

Butyrate: Butyrate is the primary energy source for colonocytes, the cells lining the colon or large intestine.

The liver metabolizes propionate. It releases acetate when under nutritional stress.

Creation of Short Chain Fatty Acids

SCFA production in bodies begins starts with dietary fiber, found in foods like fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and legumes. Upon reaching the colon, they become food for symbiotic bacteria.

In fermentation, the bacteria break down fiber into sugars, ultimately glucose, and create SCFAs as byproducts. Efficiency of SCFA production varies based on factors such as type and amount of dietary fiber eaten by the host.


A hen may supplement with worms and insects but up 90% of her diet is grain. Plenty of fiber goes through her digestive tract, creating a lot of SCFAs. Cows, other ruminants and horses also depend on them for health.

Reams of benefits are associated with short chain fatty acids. Besides digestive health they're variously linked to anti-inflammatory, blood sugar, brain, immune system, mental health, probiotic and heart health benefits.

To Increase SCFA Production

Eat more fiber and limit processed foods. Fiber is found naturally in whole grains, legumes, nuts, fruit and vegetables. Apples, bananas, barley, cabbage and woody plants are very high in fiber.

... brought lunch!

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copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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