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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Monday's Muse - Writing & Deadlines

Updated: Sep 17, 2023

Ready to start the week off right, head cold banished and happily back to work on manuscripts. A pile of editing awaits. So glad for flexible deadlines! Writing is never rigid and neither should a deadline be.

"I love deadlines. I love the whooshing noise they make as they go by." - Douglas Adams

... and there goes one now! Originally intended to put the Reiker For Hire trilogy out earlier, but backed up the date as intriguing developments continued to happen during the course of editing. All published now and the anthology too.

It's tricky knowing when to forfeit a deadline for the quality of work, or whether I'm just babbling out a different side of my mouth, and does it really matter? It's always good to keep backup copies of works in process, even when we know from experience there's no going back.

That said, setting deadlines is important and I highly recommend it. Deadlines give the mind a sense of space and time and where to focus. They cause the writer to look ahead and say, "and so it shall be done." No deadline, a story could go dancing round the universe for years.

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Problems can arise when writer's intuition doesn't agree with deadlines; and trouble brews when overthinking jumps into the mix and overpowers intuition. Balance and perspective are essential.

"Be water." - Bruce Lee

Nothing is carved in stone. It's important to let writing flow, not cram it into containers. Limitations such as deadlines can inspire creativity and success, but should never oppress the writer or the written work.

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