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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Self Publishing - Why I Love It

Updated: Oct 18, 2023

One size fits nobody, as every author has a different style and approach to writing and publishing. I write fantasy fiction novels and novellas based on German mythology, and Victorian detective murder mysteries. Also a few works quirky or campy, whatever makes the cerebral pleasure centers hum. As an author and artist here are the main reasons I love self-publishing.

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1. Freedom

The number one reason to love self-publishing is freedom. You can do as much or as little as you want. I do my own editing, format, marketing and cover design. For authors who turn to jelly at the thought of editing or marketing, self-publishing gives the option to do the work you like and hire someone else for the rest.

Critics may tell you self-publishing is wrong, shameful, deluded or just bad. They may appeal to your inner Scrooge and say you can't make money self-publishing. Here's the thing: books are not great money-makers, especially today with so many offered for free. For various reasons, writing has been financially devalued over the past couple decades. If you're in it solely for wealth and glory, forget it.

That doesn't mean don't do it. Self publishing is a personal experience. Of course it's possible to monetize written work. I wrote non-fiction internet content for $$ for several years. It's tougher to make money from fiction - I tell you no lie. Bottom line? Do what you love and the money will follow. In literature and the arts it just might take a while.

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2. Independence

An independent confident young lady looking out with a knowing smile. I'd trust her, wouldn't you?
Self-Publishing: Independence + Confidence

Writers who value independence can make self-publishing work well for them. No one is hanging over your shoulder. You don't have to compromise. You follow your own rhythm because you know what you want and how you want it done. You know your pace. Deadlines are a breeze. My personal story? I always set distant ones and try to cruise in early.

Independence is easily confused with control-freakism. How to tell the difference? Control freaks are insecure and often overwhelmed. Independence is confidence to free the creative spirit.

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Authors with faith in themselves will enjoy the independence of self-publishing. Writers who seek personal satisfaction can easily find a path of success. Those who need a hand to hold will find plenty of moral support from fellow authors, but may be happier querying a publisher.

3. Learning

Without learning, the mind goes kaput. Humans are created to learn. Everything we do brings us to another level of understanding and knowledge. Self-publishing is great for people who love to learn, because, like writing or singing, the learning never stops.

With progress, skills develop, and as they do, more challenges arise, and the brain reacts either by learning, adapting and moving forward, or plunging into a morass of angst ... and then learning.

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Writers range in personality, needs, and how we interact with the world. The self-publishing journey teaches authors about ourselves, how we work best, what motivation we need, if any. It increases confidence as we watch our work take shape, and learn to trust our instincts and judgment.

4. Flexibility

Self publishing lets authors write and release work according to their own schedule. Work flows like water around a myriad of obstacles, commitments and don't forget fun. The creativity of writing or artmaking allows an influx here and an outflow there.

Forge a river, make a dam or build a bridge. Ability to adapt is an important part of writing and self-publishing presents the options to make it easy. There's more than one way to get where we want to go.

Awareness is paramount. Changes happen fast. We think on our feet. Self publishing is flexible. One novel a year, or twenty? Working day or night, fast or slow, we have our ways and all strive to keep balance. Self-publishing is a fertile environment for creativity, allowing us to adapt to our own processes and thrive in multiple ways.

We can compromise if we have to, and sometimes do. The flexible nature of self-publishing allows the true vision to shine through.



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