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Natural Anti-Spasmodic Treatments for Muscle Spasms & Pain

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Jan 30

Muscle spasms are involuntary, often painful contractions. They happen for many reasons including stress, body imbalance or dehydration. Here are a few natural anti-spasmodics to quell muscle spasms, especially in the back.


Muscle spasms cause pain and restrict mobility. Pharmaceutical anti-spasmodics may be prescribed for managing muscle spasms, but many people are dissatisfied with modern medicine and seek natural remedies.

Frustration with lack of adequate medical treatment can make problems worse. The time-honored remedies below are easy and pleasant to apply at home, and can minimize the pain and backache of muscle spasms.


About Muscle Spasms

Muscle spasms can be caused by overuse of muscles, posture problems, stress or underlying medical conditions such as herniated discs or sciatica. High-sugar diets are linked to back pain and spasms.

Dehydration and electrolyte imbalance are also common reasons for muscle spasms. About 60% of people with chronic back pain also report muscle spasms. Alcoholism or excess alcohol intake is another cause.

Pharmaceutical options if available may provide temporary relief but can also cause unwanted side effects. More people are using a holistic approach to manage painful muscle spasms.


Natural Remedies for Muscle Spasms

1. Epsom Salt Baths

Epsom salt, rich in magnesium sulfate, can help soothe muscle spasms. Epsom salts have been used for beauty and relaxation for thousands of years.

In ancient times magnesium sulfate is gathered from dry salt lake beds. Today it's easily available at the drugstore.

How to Use:

  • Dissolve 1-2 cups of Epsom salt in warm water.

  • Soak for 15-20 minutes to facilitate magnesium absorption.

This method not only relaxes the muscles but also enhances overall well-being.


2. Magnesium Supplements & Foods

Speaking of magnesium, this element is crucial for proper muscle function. A deficiency may contribute to spasms. Magnesium supplements may help relieve muscle cramps and spasms.

Magnesium is an important element in muscle relaxation. A study in the Journal of Pain Research finds magnesium supplementation can significantly reduce muscle cramps.

gel caps work more quickly are easier to digest than tablets

Foods rich in magnesium include nuts especially almonds, seeds (esp pumpkin & chia), whole grains, spinach and other leafy greens, avocados and beans. Raising the body's magnesium content can help dispel spasms.

Magnesium is also a treatment for mood disorders, insomnia or sleep problems. It improves exercise tolerance and performance and helps regulate blood pressure.

symptoms of magnesium deficiency include nausea, weakness, muscle spasms, seizures

An all-over remedy, magnesium bolsters bone health and improves immune function. It can help regulate blood sugar and blood pressure.

A biological woman needs about 320 mg of magnesium, more if pregnant or breastfeeding. A biological male needs up to 420 mg. Pumpkin seeds are among the best magnesium sources with 156 mg per 454 g or one ounce.

pumpkin seeds
Due to a thin indigestible membrane, raw pumpkin seeds should be soaked for 24 hrs before eating

3. Hydration and Electrolyte Balance

Dehydration can contribute to muscle spasms, particularly if electrolytes like potassium and magnesium are low. Drinking pure H2O or water helps relax muscles almost immediately. Do it and feel it.

Many athletes enjoy sports drinks due to the added electrolytes, primarily sodium and potassium to replenish that lost due to sweating. If you're not sweating they can cause overly rapid heartbeat due to influx of salt.

Electrolytes conduct electricity when dissolved in water. In the body they manage nerve and muscle function, maintain hydration levels, blood acidity and pressure balance.

elixir of life

They also help repair damaged tissue in case of injury or chronic pain. Muscles and neurons or nerve cells are often called the "electric tissues" of the body..

Electrolyte-rich foods like bananas, spinach, and avocado help maintain balance and prevent spasms. Dehydration increase risk of muscle dysfunction due to poor electrolyte performance.


Whey is a popular choice of athletes for improved muscle function and healing. It's the liquid of the curdled milk of cheese making, also found in supplement form.

It's not for the lactose-intolerant as most of milk's lactose ends up in the whey. It's one reason for the prevalence of cheese making in the Neolithic and ancient world, when most people haven't yet evolved the lactose gene.


Alcohol use or overuse can deplete the body's water levels and electrolyte functions, and is directly linked to muscle spasms. According to Dr. Tara Lin Hollins at the Cleveland Medical Center:

“Alcohol is a natural diuretic, and the dehydration it causes can trigger muscle pain and lower back discomfort. When someone comes in with spasms, one of the first things we do is check their electrolytes and hydration level.”

Hydrating foods like cucumbers (95% water) and watermelon (92% water) can increase the body's fluid intake. However, some bodies find nothing is better than drinking straight water for hydration and electrolyte balance.

watermelon - delicious source of hydration

4. Stretching and Exercise

Gentle stretching helps maintain muscle flexibility and strength. Stretches specifically targeting the back can help alleviate tension.

Techniques such as yoga and Pilates focus on stretching the spinal muscles and can improve posture and muscle balance, reducing risk of spasms. If you hate exercise (same here) do simple stretches including:

A good and simple exercise:

Lie on your back. Raise one knee to chest, hug gently, being aware of the muscle pull in lower back. The other leg can be bent or straight, as comfortable. Aim for 10x with one knee and 10x with the other.



Shoulder rolls can be done anywhere anytime unless they cause pain. Roll one shoulder back and forth, roll the other, roll both and get a smooth rhythm going, like dancing. This exercise should be fun, relaxed, not stiff.


With feet flat on ground, reach for the sky. Do not clasp hands. Gently push heels of hands upward. Keep eyes front, relax and do not arch lower back. Take regular or deep breaths. Feel muscle pull on back and through the body. Lower arms slowly and breathe.

If deep breathing affects the back (it can), aim for regular slow breaths instead. Oxygen is heaven for muscles.


When muscles work harder the body uses more oxygen and produces more carbon dioxide. Exercise near plants - they appreciate the CO2, and will return it in the form of oxygen.

With extra demand of physical exercise, breathing must increase from about 15x a minute (12 liters of air) at rest, up to 40–60x a minute (100 liters of air) during exercise. Inadequate oxygen can cause cramps and spasms.

we love you!

5. Heat and Cold Therapy

Heat such as a warm towel or heating pad can help increase blood flow to tense muscles and provide relief. Cold therapy, on the other hand, can reduce inflammation and numb sharp pain.

Alternating between heat and cold treatments is said to give enhanced relief for persistent spasms. Personally it makes no difference in spasms, but cures are different for everyone, and some work better than others.

Using heat therapy can relieve muscle tightness and enhance blood flow. A heating pad or warm compress may help relax muscles. This therapy should supplement or accompany other relaxant strategies.

hot tubsd
Hot tubs help relieve pain and reduce muscle spasms (this works well for me!)

6. Herbal Remedies

Several herbs are known for muscle-relaxing properties. They include but are not limited to:

  • Valerian Root: Often used as a natural sedative, valerian root may also help relax muscles and ease tightness.

  • Peppermint: With its antispasmodic qualities, peppermint oil can be applied topically or used in aromatherapy to help relax muscle spasms.

  • Ginger: Known for its anti-inflammatory properties, ginger can be consumed as a tea or supplement to alleviate discomfort. Ginger especially is known for longevity properties and health benefits including reduction of pain and inflammation.

  • Lavender: particularly effective in promoting relaxation to reduce muscle tension.

  • Chamomile: anti-inflammatory with other benefits such as relieving cold symptoms, aiding digestion and improving sleep.

Aromatherapy and massage can bring all-over benefits to the body. It can also be a prelude to great sex, another known holistic muscle relaxant.


7. Mind-Body Techniques

Mindfulness meditation, deep breathing exercise and progressive muscle relaxation may help reduce stress and tension in the body, which are triggers for muscle spasms. Incorporating these techniques into your daily routine can foster a sense of physical and emotional relaxation.

Chronic stress can cause muscle tension. Finding effective stress management strategies, such as exercise, meditation or active hobbies can help reduce body tension. Inactivity can exacerbate muscle stiffness.


8. Posture Awareness

It's easy to get into stressful postures especially if involved in engrossing activities. The fix can be simple.

My problem here: back pain and spasms increase in sessions of microscopy ie looking into a microscope. Moving microscope to a higher elevation and changing body positions reduces posture-caused pain and inflammation.

This carries over to other activities whether reading, watching TV, studying for exams or playing games. Posture awareness can target ongoing and potential problems of back pain and the merciless spasms of agony.


A combination of therapies is better than focus on just one. Many are easy to incorporate into daily life. Spasms and pain caused by underlying health conditions should be professionally treated (if possible).

Relief for back pain and spasms doesn't need lifestyle transformations. A few focused breaths or simple shoulder rolls during the day will make a notable difference, and kick in the energy and enthusiasm for other methods.


Non-Fiction Books:

Fiction Books:

READ: Lora Ley Adventures - Germanic Mythology Fiction Series

READ: Reiker For Hire - Victorian Detective Murder Mysteries

copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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