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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Monday's Muse - I Write

Updated: Sep 25, 2023

In a recent interview the question was, "What do you do when you're not writing?" to which I replied over quickly, "Sing and sleep." Singing's an expressive hobby. Sleep is a great way of solving problems ... especially when stuck on a plot glitch or tricky edit.

And when this writer's not sleeping, staring at walls is a portal to creative thinking. The mind sparks off ideas like firecrackers at the Lunar New Year.

"Ideas are like rabbits. You get a couple and learn how to handle them, and pretty soon you have a dozen."
John Steinbeck

See also:

Writing flows like quicksilver. Seven novels and a trilogy, another four novellas all in the past couple of years. Fabulous. So it's time for a break, soothe the restless mind and breathe the scent of fresh flowers in the wee hours. Fragrant four o'clocks bloom all night.

Beside the balcony is a Manitoba maple (box elder) tree. The balcony's almost in the canopy. When we moved in I told the landlord, "No tree, no me," just in case, and he laughed and said he didn't intend to cut it down. I'm glad. It's a vibrant ecosystem. No bunnies, but once in a while we battle squirrels for territory.

See also:

So, last week my beloved had family stuff and I thought, while not writing it would be great to smell the flowers and gaze at little tree creatures, watch movies, practice soprano notes (AYAYAY!) without scaring anyone, and make some art. But did this happen?

Of course not. Instead, while not writing it seemed a good time to go through blog posts, delete a few and freshen some up.

Even when not writing a book it's become a pleasant rhythm to do a post a day, usually about German & European folklore, humor, history and mythology; the Victorian era in Germany (niche and loving it); influential women; discoveries, traditions, innovations; art and artists (now 19th century Europe moving into German Expression); positive thinking and self-realization; writing and the writing process.

Next thing three posts are open at a time, cross-references, edits and reams of research as new ideas bubble up from the brain blob. Fingers are QWERTY magnets. Time has gone so fast it's jumped ahead four days in a few hours. Obsessed? Nah. Nothing to say but can say it all day.

horrified face, fear and terror in expression, black and white
The Horror!

As for making art, sure. Started the cover for the next book. It's a schlock horror comedy inspired by low-budget movies of the 50s and 60s including Hammer Horror, Roger Corman and the incomparable Ed Wood. Totally love the genre and looking forward to writing this masterpiece of mayhem. A few more tweaks and (rubbing hands with glee) the cover will be up. Then it's off on the quasi-scientific adventure of the first draft.

And so, when not writing, I write. Gotta do what you love. Right?

"One day I will find the right words, and they will be simple." - Jack Kerouac



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