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Asteria - Starry Gems of Myth & Magic

Sylvia Rose

Asteria or Star Stones create a star-like inner glow. Star sapphires belong to this group. They were highly valued by the ancient Minoan Greeks and Myceneans, who saw them as potent love charms. According to legend Helen of Troy wore star corundum, sapphire displaying a six-ray star effect.

See also:

blue star sapphire with inner star glow
Blue star sapphire, glowing asteria effect

The phenomenon asterism is caused by a high number of rutile needles, or fine inclusions, also called 'silk', within the gemstone. Made of titanium dioxide, the rutile needles react with light to create a lustrous star effect. Some star sapphires from Thailand contain hematite and rutile needles, forming a phenomenal 12-ray star.

Star stones are dedicated to the Greek Titan Goddess Asteria. She's the goddess of falling stars. Asteria is also associated with nighttime divinations such as oneiromancy (dream interpretation to foretell the future) and astrology.

See also:

golden light and starry night above the trees, shooting star
When you wish upon a star ...

In Greek her name means 'of a star, full of stars, starry'. Asteria is the mother of Hecate, Greek Goddess of crossroads, entrance-ways, night, magic, witchcraft, Moon, knowledge of herbs and poisonous plants, graves, ghosts and necromancy.

Zeus once took a liking to Asteria. To escape she turned herself into a bird, then a wandering island. Zeus impregnated her sister Leto instead. Although Zeus' wife Hera forbade anyone to take the pregnant woman in, Asteria defied her and allowed her sister on the island.

See also:

Asteria turns into a wandering island to escape the attentions of Zeus
A wandering island in a blue sea

Leto gave birth to Apollo and Artemis. The island received the name Delos, and Apollo made it his sacred land. It's one of the smaller Aegean islands and still bears the ruins of a temple of Apollo.

Asterism can occur in various gemstones including sapphire, ruby, garnet, spinel, diopside, beryl, and quartz. It manifests in one of two ways:

  • Epiasterism, as in sapphire and most other gems. It's the reflection of light on parallel inclusions inside the gemstone.

  • Diasterism, as in rose quartz, is caused by light transmitted through the gemstone. The stone must be lit from behind. Rose quartz can also display epiasterism.

See also:

light reflections in rose quartz
Asterism in rose quartz crystal sphere

Star stones are considered to promote calmness, mental clarity, and intuition. These unique gems also protect against attack by negative energies, and inspire spiritual growth and awareness.

They relate to astral journeys and safety while traveling. Star gemstones can help recall dreams. Some believe they can open communication channels with spirits of deceased loved ones.

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