Alchemy & Heat: Decomposition of Horse Manure
Digestion & Horse Manure: Alchemy Process
Rot & Decay: Process of Organic Putrefaction
Vinegar Eels: Life Cycle & Survival in Vinegar
Carbuncle: Red Stone of Magic & Medicine
12 Renaissance Medicines & Treatments
Galls & Gall Nuts: Black Ink, Dye, Medicine
Bolus (Bole) of Mendes: Ancient Egyptian Medicine
Baphomet, the Goat of Mendes in History
Olympiodorus of Thebes & His Parrot
Haruspices in History: The Gut Readers
Great Persecution Rome vs. Christianity
Malaria: Roman Fever & Renaissance Plague
Birds and Bird Symbolism in Alchemy
Sirius the Dog Star: Stellar Mythology
Alchemy Symbols: Tail of the Peacock
Animal Archetype: Mysteries of the Unconscious
Agathodaemon: Snake God Alexandria
Aesculapian Snakes: Nature & Lore
Cyrene: Huntress Queen of Greek Myth