Translucent sparkling zircon is the oldest of all gemstones. Only earthly stardust is more ancient. This brilliant gem comes in a variety of colors including clear, blue, gold, pink, red, green and brown. Born of chaos and creation, zircon is found in igneous rocks such as granite, and some metamorphic rocks which have been altered by pressure and heat.
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Zircons are formed in metamorphic rocks or by crystallization from magma. True survivors, these miraculous gemstones are hardy and durable through entire geologic periods and events such as cataclysmic volcanic action.
Crystals form protective rings of zircon around themselves like tree rings, and can resist chemicals designed to break down organic matter. While this stone seems almost invincible, zircon can be destroyed with hydrochloric acid.
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It takes hundreds of millions of years to create a zircon naturally. Zircons change color with heating. Pink, red or purple stones need heat of about 400 °C (752 °F) . Colorless and blue zircons require temperatures of up to 1,000 °C (1,830 °F). Cubic zirconia is a synthetic gem and not a real zircon.
Blue zircon is the birthstone for December and one of the most popular colors, especially during Victorian times. Zircon of any color, depending on desire, is lucky for Taurus, Cancer and Libra. This stone creates a protective aura and could attract a romance or flirtation. Brown zircon relates to treasures of the earth, and grounding.
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Also in the Victorian era, smoky zircon was worn with mourning attire. The Victorians had an entire social protocol of mourning since Queen Victoria mourned her beloved husband Albert. Victoria also popularized the wearing of black for mourning.
Zircon Color Meanings:
All zircon is connected to Fire with a baseline of Earth. Color meanings include:
clear - divine connection, clarity of mind, inspiration, Air
yellow - joy, optimism, self-confidence, solar power, Air
gold hue - Sun or Fire, wealth, self-connection
red - Fire, passion, warrior
pink - romantic love, sensuality
purple - balance, success, confidence
light blue - imagination, daydreams, Water
dark blue - depth, intuition or dreams, Water
green - creativity, nurturing, female warrior
light brown - Earth, home, grounding
dark brown - Earth, fertility, roots
smoky - mourning
black - second sight, prosperity
Because zircon is the oldest gemstone, it brings a connection to the primal self, inner awakening and the collective subconscious. It can help understand dreams by cleansing channels of ancient knowledge.
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Zircon relates to the element Fire and can stimulate the mind. It can also cause impulse actions, boasting or needless drama. Blue or brown zircon help balance one's perspective.
Zircon has the entire history of the earth's creation inside itself, with whole of humanity barely an atom therein. Understanding and working with this stone helps one establish a link to primeval knowledge and spiritual expansion. Zircon is a stone of long life and adapting to change.
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In folk medicine beliefs of the Middle Ages, zircon gemstones could cure insomnia, ward off evil, protect against the evil eye, collect wisdom and attract prosperity. By the 1920s, heat treatment developed for use in coloring the gemstones, saving a wait of several hundred million years. Heat causing change in natural objects is a type of alchemy or transmutation nature lore.
Zircon relates to the solar plexus and root chakras. The spiritual meaning of zircon includes wisdom, mental clarity, cleansing of negative energies, psychic intuition. In trance work clear zircon can open channels to the divine.
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Zircons are commonly found in the igneous rock granite. Granite also abounds with natural minerals zinc, molybdenum and copper, all of which are necessary in the human body for health. Chewing on granite isn't recommended but this reminds us we're all part of the body of the Earth.
Granite is one of the most populous rocks on Earth, along with basalt, and carries numerous goodies within its multi-grained mass, including the crystals hornblende, tourmaline, beryl, topaz and apatite.
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