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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Cult of the Fire God - Bronze Age Quest Adventure

Updated: Jan 7

Kah'ni, a young woman of the Bronze Age Northern tribes, undertakes a quest to find her priestess sister Shanah, stolen in an attack by raiders. The attackers are an unknown people using warrior mercenaries from the south.

With just a strange talisman as a clue, Kah'ni and her kin learn more. One who knows tells her of the destroyers who worship an ancient and sinister Fire God, and gives a warning. Heedless, Kah'ni prepares to undertake the most dangerous journey of her life.

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Cult of the Fire God by Sylvia Rose

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The trail leads down the Amber Roads from the stormy Baltic and eventually, to the balmy Mediterranean Sea. Alone, Kah'ni travels to the thriving cities of Bronze Age Eurasia, along the busy trade routes or silent trails of mysterious ghosts.

Her quest takes her over the Black Sea to Anatolia, Babylon & Mesopotamia, Egypt and Greece. To reunite with her sister, Kah'ni must find strength she didn't know she had, and conquer her deepest fears.

For background reading, historic & mythological info and facts about the Bronze Age and other writing, please bookmark or subscribe to my blog. I also write fantasty fiction and Victorian detective murder mysteries. Cheers!


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