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Poltergeist - Nastiest Noisy Spirit

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Jun 9, 2024

Poltergeist is one of the best known entities of European and American lore. It's classed among the "noisy spirits" of German myth, along with Klagefrau or wailing woman; Heimchen; and Klabauterman the sea kobold.

See also:

poltergeist madness
Poltergeist can drive people mad

The Poltergeist has been around a long time. In 856 AD the first documented poltergeist appears at a farmhouse in Germany. The poltergeist harries and frightens the family by throwing dishes and rocks and starting fires, two classic signs of poltergeist activity today.

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Poltergeists or Ger. Poltergeister gravitate toward families and try to disrupt harmony among family members. Even if the spirit does nothing its presence in a house is oppressive. People have trouble communicating.

See also:

two people fighting
Small arguments become major conflicts

Although Poltergeist is often called a ghost this isn't always accurate. In German Geist means spirit or ghost. Poltergeist is generally not considered the manifestation of a dead person. It's actually a demonic spirit.

The Poltergeist is often associated with girls reaching their first menstruation, but can attack any human. Vulnerable are children, pregnant women, people with emotional ailments it can tap into. Pets may detect its presence.

See also:

dog with ears pricked up
Pets hear strange noises or react to a presence

Common behaviors and signs of a poltergeist include:

  • loud noises

  • noise involving doors - knocking, slamming

  • noise inside walls

  • rumbling or loud furniture moving in adjacent rooms

  • objects moved, hidden, hurled or broken

  • triggering emotions such as anger and hate

  • family fights

  • work undone or taken apart

  • physical harm - likes to push, trip, bite, pinch, slap and punch people

  • accidents

  • levitation of objects

  • acrid or unpleasant odors

  • flickering / flashing lights

  • broken lights flashing

  • mechanical breakdowns

  • fires

See also:

Energy of light

Because activity is often (not always) connected to a young person, events may be dismissed as imagination or a childish hoax. In fact it's just the beginning.

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Poltergeist is more than a mischievous prankster. It may work with other spirits or demons such as nightmare bringers Mare or Drude. While some spirits seem threatening but can't hurt a person, Poltergeist is not one of those. This demon delights in human pain.

See also:

crazy woman on the floor
Demons such as Poltergeist love emotional trauma

It usually begins with small incidents, perhaps an object moved or hidden. A cup might fall off a wobbly shelf. At first it's easy to explain, a door slamming due to a draft; scratching noises just a branch at the window.

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Disgusting smells with no obvious source may infest a home. Nightmares begin, perhaps concurrent with a feeling of tightness in the chest or a shadow of movement between dreams and reality.

See also:

woman walks out door, shadow, white dress
Can you hear a shadow?

Then it gets serious. A perceived push at the top of the stairs, a pet going manic, strong emotions, thoughts of harming self or others combine with sleeplessness and anxiety. Tables and chairs might rise up or suddenly tip. A made bed has sheets ripped off.

Electric shocks are common, even if electricians find nothing wrong. Water mysteriously left running can overflow sinks and tubs. Damage to the home, holes or cracks in walls can appear.

See also:

filled to overflow

At any point it's possible the Poltergeist and its entourage lose interest, and the events go away as if they never happened. It's also possible the behavior gets worse. Poltergeist may not physically manifest but other spirits in its circle might.

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What to do? Solutions such as smudging or exorcism by a holy person are spiritual band-aids and probably won't stop the rollercoaster ride to destruction. Even moving might not be effective because this is a demon linked with people.

See also:

ghosts or ghostly people

It works with other powers like restless spirits who are bound to a particular place, but in general Poltergeist has abilities of energy relocation. It can cause destruction beyond boundaries other spirits can't surpass.

READ: Lora Ley Fantasy Fiction - German Mythology Adventures 

The five-point star (Drudenfuß, Drudenfuss) is typically used to protect home and outbuildings such as stables. Drudenfuß means Drude's foot. The charm is used to keep away Druden (demonic magic, fire) and evil Elfin magic (for example sickness, insanity).

See also:

Pentagram or five point star

Of all the noisy Germanic spirits, Poltergeist is the nastiest. Poltergeist activity is generally considered a hoax.

See also:


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