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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Make a Frau Holle Altar For Yule

Creating a Frau Holle altar for the Yule season is fun. Frau Holle is among the most beloved of German deities. She's a domestic goddess of spinning and weaving; a warrior and White Lady; a nature goddess and protector of trees.

She's also a Dark Grandmother, who receives spirits of infants and send them to light. She values courtesy, simplicity, honesty and hard work. Fluffing her bedding, she's a weather goddess who makes it snow on Earth. As a nature deity her altar would be outside, perhaps as a wishing tree; as a domestic goddess she's happy in the home.

See also:

A candle flame warms up a window and reflects itself
Candles, snow and the color white are associated with Frau Holle

A patron of women, Frau Holle has many names including Holla, Holda, Hulda, Bercht, Perchta, Holundermutter and Old Mother Frost. She's from a pantheon or mythology even older than the Norse, a true Mother Goddess.

Frau Holle is often equated with the Roman Goddess Diana the Huntress. Both women are connected to dogs, especially hounds, suiting their nature as leaders of the Wild Hunt.

See also:

Frau Holle the Huntress with chariot and dogs
Frau Holle or Hulda rallies the dogs for the Wild Hunt (spoiler: no animals are harmed in the Hunt)

Make a Frau Holle Altar

An altar is a way to show respect to a deity such as Frau Holle and what she stands for, and to enhance the positive flow of energy for good luck. Find an east-facing place for a small table or stand, by a window if possible. Leave table undraped or drape with white cloth, linen, natural or woven materials and fabrics.

Include decor, as desired:

  • candles or white lights

  • apple, apple fragrance or apple wood

  • cookies & baking - can be changed daily for power snack of Goddess energy

  • tokens of elderberry whether plant parts, tea or art with elderberry theme.

  • snow ornaments, icicle and snowflake decorations

  • elements of greenery - such as a plant, foliage, evergreen branches

  • natural fiber yarn

  • home-made art or crafts

  • clear, white or blue crystals

  • silver

  • wheel or wheel symbols

  • warrior symbols (see below)

See also:

Frau Holle protector goddess in the trees
"Holda, die gütige Beschüzerin" - Holda, the good protectress, Friedrich Wilhelm Heine 1882

Set up candles singly, paired or three as a trinity. Downward pointing triangle is a feminine symbol. Upward pointing it's male. White is a color of light, beginnings, divinity. Blue connects to water or ice, dreams and the subconscious. Silver relates to the feminine, moon, winter. Green is a color of the female warrior. Clear crystals help channel goddess energy.

A weather goddess, Frau Holle makes it snow throughout the land and especially in the Alps, so the little white alpine flower Edelweiss, or a picture of it, is a pleasing gift in her honor. Yarn and natural fabric recognize her importance as a domestic goddess. The Wheel is also a strong symbol to use, as the spinning wheel going round, turn of seasons, cycles of life.

To acknowledge the warrior aspect use symbols of shield, arrow or spear. Again the shield equates to a wheel or circle of life. Any talisman used to represent it holds its influence. Linden wood was favored for German shields and also blesses the home.

See also:

Wheel of Stars at night
Wheel of Stars in the Night Sky

Ash and Oak are the woods most often used to make spear shafts. Ash is also good for bows and arrows. Ash is a more feminine wood than Oak, but don't offend the Eschenfrau who lives in the ash tree.

Personal artwork of these symbols is also powerful, containing the energy of the maker. Light candle(s) or turn on altar lights at nightfall to represent coming of the light. No incantation needed unless desired, 'thank you' is enough.

Keep the altar clean through Solstice season, up to the end of Jan 5. Frau Holle is a tidy goddess. Attune to the flow of harmonious energy in the home, and let the coming of spring bring happy blessings.

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