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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Care & Feeding of Your Kobold - Part 3

Updated: Sep 8, 2023

Magic entities such as Kobolds can be helpful with the right encouragement, but don't get them mad! Popular in German mythology, Kobolds can be any gender and may have a mischievous or trickster streak.

A Kobold can manifest as a small human, creature of myth, animal or the element fire. Some Kobolds, as in the pic, have expensive tastes. A Kobold may live in a kitchen or private chamber, on a ship or in a mine. It's strongly attached to human activity, but can be reluctant to show itself.

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As a spirit relating to fire, the Kobold has demonic associations and may employ its trickster nature if displeased. Kobold also belongs to the Elfin realms. In the German fairy tale 'The Elves & the Shoemaker', the elves or Wichtelmänner represent a helpful type of Kobold with a simple message. Work is done, gratitude given, and abundance follows.

If the Kobold gets no thanks for its labors or gifts of luck, it moves to another home. It first can set fires, spoil food and make people or animals sick. At one time, disease was thought caused by elves. Elf was also a blanket term for all creatures of Faerie.

Never offer caraway to a Kobold or any of the Faerie. They hate it. House Kobolds especially kick up a fuss, leaving tracks on clean laundry, curdling the cream or worse. It's a good way to get rid of a minor pesky spirit though, or to keep the Roggenhund (Rye Dog) from eating your flour.

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Ship Kobolds

The seafaring Kobold or river ship Kobold is a friendly sort, in his own time. Ship and mine Kobolds are usually male. If approached too soon he runs away, maybe leaving a bad smell in the air.

The Ship Kobold can appear as a small human in the clothes of a mariner; or as a cat, bird, fish or other animal. Fiery light or blue flame along the masts of a sailing ship at night could be the manifestation of a Kobold. Shipboard Kobolds are especially fond of rum, tobacco, and sweet cakes.

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Keeping the shipboard Kobold happy is important if you want favorable winds, calm weather and good fortune. Like some harvest spirits, this powerful Kobold is also a weather entity and can summon up rain, storms and whirlwinds. He can also warn of oncoming storms or dangers lurking ahead.

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The shipboard Kobold relates to gold and treasure. It can bring wealth to merchant ships and even pirates. Signs of a shipboard Kobold might be the scent of tobacco, low whistling or humming. This kind of Kobold especially enjoys sea shanties. A fresh wood smell lingers if he whittles.

The ship-board Kobold rolls with the times. These days, you might find one of these elusive spirits on a cruise ship, private yacht or seafaring barge. If you want to make friends he might be pleased to accept a small gift. This type of Kobold is a strong ally but must never be taken for granted.


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