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Alchemy Symbols: Circle, Snake, Lion

Sylvia Rose

Updated: Jul 1, 2024

The squared circle, snake, dragon or wyrm biting its tail, and the alchemical lion appear as predominant signs in alchemy and literature. With potential powers to heal sickness, live forever and turn base metal to gold alchemists guard their knowledge well.

girl with finger over her lips
Some secret signs are known only to other alchemists

1. Alchemical Shapes & the Squared Circle

A geometric problem, squaring the circle first appears in Greek mathematics. It is the challenge of constructing a square with the area of a given circle, with a finite number of steps using a compass and straightedge. In the 19th century it's proven impossible.

The squared circle becomes a symbol for attaining the impossible. The search for the elusive philosopher's stone, the elixir of life, the magical panacea and the transmutation of metals are fantastic dreams.

The squared circle does not exist
Alchemy symbol for squared circle

The shapes relate to harmonious interplay and dynamic tension of natural elements. Circle, square and triangle are the three primary shapes. From these come sphere, cube, prism and cylinder. They make up complex forms representing balance and creation.

Alchemy is banned in 1317 by the Pope. An act of 1404 by Henry IV forbids anyone from turning anything into gold. It's repealed in the late Renaissance. In the 17th century the squared circle symbol comes to mean the whole of alchemy rather than an equation.

A white circle with hand on black background
Sun Symbol - also the ego (center) surrounded by the unconscious

The Sun Wheel ☉︎ appears in the forms of the inner and outer circles. It's also a symbol for zodiac Leo. In psychology the sun wheel represents the conscious self as the dot in middle, with the unconscious in the outer circle.

In Alexandrian alchemy a cone is attached to the circle representing solar rays. The circle relates to infinity and wholeness, beginnings, continuance, cycles and completion. A circle is a vessel for magic.

An Amazing Ring Galaxy
An Amazing Ring Galaxy

2. Ouroborus - Snake or Dragon with Tail in Mouth

The ouroboros acts as a symbol for eternal cyclic renewal or a cycle of life, death and rebirth. The snake shedding its skin represents the transmigration of souls, completion of a cycle, renewal. In tomb art of Tut, the ouroboros is a protective sign.

The snake biting its tail is among the most ancient of alchemical symbols. Snake represents eternal life through renewal, and the circle relates to infinity or wholeness. The snake corresponds to healing, creation, sensual self and financial prosperity.

Snake or dragon illustration, wheel, circle, life and death
Snake Dragon bites or devours its tail

In Germanic lands the Lindwyrm is a mythical snake dragon who takes its tail in its mouth and rolls like a wheel to pursue human prey. A Lindwyrm can multiply treasure by lying on it, making the ouroboros a fitting alchemical symbol..

3. Alchemical Lion

According to Carl Jung, in alchemy the lion, "the royal beast, is a synonym for Mercurius, or, to be more accurate, for a stage in his transformation. He is the warm-blooded form of the devouring, predatory monster who first appears as the dragon."

Lion of Alchemy
The Gnostic Lion has a depth of meaning

The alchemical or Gnostic lion symbolizes gold or the sun, and his symbol is the Sun ☉︎. He represents the highest dimensions of ascension and enlightenment. Due to qualities of courage, ferocity and strength, the lion is the ultimate protector of alchemical secrets.

The Lion is also associated with the Underworld, in the above pic represented by the volcano or fire of Hades or the afterlife in general. On the Lion's head is a crown of laurel leaves, a sign of his royal rank.

big tawny lion face portrait with yellow eyes
Green Lion Devouring the Sun

Another prominent figure in alchemy is the green lion symbolically consuming the Sun. The concept of the alchemical green lion devouring the sun represents the idea of consciousness being overtaken by intense and unfulfilled desires.

“The symbol is a metaphor for aqua regae (the green lion) consuming gold (the sun).”

Aqua regia or royal water is a mixture of nitric acid and hydrochloric acid, in a ratio of 1:3. It becomes a fuming liquid able to dissolve gold. In spiritual alchemy is can symbolize caustic, toxic or consuming elements in life.

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copyright Sylvia Rose 2024

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