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Abzu - Primal Waters of Creation

Sylvia Rose

Abzu (Apsu) is a primordial proto-god in Sumerian creation myth whose consort is Tiamat, demonic deity of destruction. Tiamat is sea water, the endless realm, the personification of Chaos.

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Abzu is both elemental groundwater and a water deity. When ground water and sea water mix, they create life.

See also:

water flowing into hole in the sea
Waters of Chaos

Abzu is the origin of lakes, springs, wells and underground aquifers, layers of rock trapping water. In Mesopotamia groundwater sustains life especially in hot arid seasons. Fig trees often grow near sources of groundwater, reaching deep down with their normally shallow roots.

The oasis, the wadi, the fertile river deltas are all fed by the waters of Abzu. In Sumerian and Akkadian mythology Abzu is known as the primeval sea below the void space of the Underworld (Kur) and the earth (Ma) above.

See also:

an oasis in the desert
Oasis trees & water surrounded by desert sands

Among the children of Tiamat and Abzu is Anu, the oldest of the Gods. They also give birth to the god Kinghu, who becomes the King of the Gods after the death of Abzu his father. Abzu is presented as both water and a deity in the Babylonian creation myth Enūma Eliš.

The Enūma Eliš begins:

"When above the heavens (e-nu-ma e-liš) did not yet exist nor the earth below, Apsu the freshwater ocean was there, the first, the begetter, and Tiamat, the saltwater sea, she who bore them all; they were still mixing their waters, and no pasture land had yet been formed, nor even a reed marsh."

See also:

sky and sea, in the beginning
Primordial Waters of Creation

In the Sumerian city of Eridu, the temple of the god Enki is listed as E2-abzu, meaning 'house of deep waters'. it's located at the edge of a marsh, called the abzu. As an early elemental God Enki prefers his temples built near water. He's a god of water, knowledge, crafts and creation, sometimes known as Ea.

Enki is thought to have lived in the abzu before emerging as a deity. His entire family and entourage dwell in the abzu too. The term abzu is also given to vessels of sacred waters in the temple courtyard.

See also:

happy water
Water's bouncy today

Among the children of Abzu and Tiamat are the Lahamu and Lahmu. Lahamu is considered the female version of the Lahmu, river spirits connected with Abzu. They're seen as caretakers of wild animals, servants to Enki and later his son Marduk.

Abzu is killed by his children and grandchildren, who want to usurp his deific position as head of the pantheon. In rage Tiamat declares war on her offspring. She gives birth to dragons and monsters, and fills their bodies with poison instead of blood.

See also:

flowing ribs and bones of monster snake dragon
Monster Skeleton

Marduk challenges her, and after the 12 Days of Zagmuk the forces of Order (Marduk) defeat those of Chaos (Tiamat). After this, Marduk creates the heavens, earth, and people. A different version of this myth has hero god Ninurta in the starring role.

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