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Image by Billy Huynh
  • Sylvia Rose

Spa Life & Murder in 1890s Germany

Updated: Jun 10

Inspired a true story, Hotel of Horror is the second of the Reiker for Hire detective murder mystery trilogy. The three Reiker For Hire novellas have hit the virtual shelves and readers can get them singly or as an anthology.

READ for FREE: Hotel of Horror Victorian Detective Murder Mystery

Hotel of Horror takes place at the end of the 19th century near the southwest German town of Baden-Baden. Reiker is hired to find a missing eccentric genius last seen headed for a spa resort in the Black Forest. All is not what it seems.

At the same time, competition rears up at home in Mittelstadt, as a female detective comes to town. In the 1890's, the issue of women's rights makes brave new inroads into domains of business and finance, which are previously a man's world.

a woman detective

Until 1887, a woman is not allowed to own assets. A father or male relative manages her finances and any money or property she has go to her husband when she marries. For this reason Bertha Benz becomes a partner in her husband's fuel-powered vehicle company.

Medical breakthroughs inspire new forms of treatment. Rest cures and hydrotherapy or water treatment become the norm for physical and mental health. Spas and spa towns grow up around hot or cool mineral springs. Not all flourish.

Any town associated with mineral springs is entitled to use the term "Bad" or "Baden", meaning bath or bathing, in its name. Spas range from day baths to diet and exercise centers to tone and limber the body, to luxury vacation resorts with white-glove service.

The Victorian ideal body emphasizes lean muscle. Exercise centers on calisthenics, overall strength and limberness for men and women. European roots movements, increased interest in nature and natural healing grow in reaction to the hectic pace of life and industry.

In the mid 19th century, high lumber demand almost deforests the Black Forest of Germany, saved only by heavy re-planting and strict conservation efforts. Here in this lovely landscape of rocks, hills and hidden rills, the Hotel of Horror beckons with evil intent.

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