Sukkals - Mythic Viziers to the Gods
Kothar (Kothar-wa-Khasis) Artisan God
Hutena & Hutellura: Dyad of Birth & Fate
Ebla - Shining Jewel of the Bronze Age
Kumarbi - Castration Gods of Creation
Lapis Lazuli: Vibrant Blue Gem of Ancients
Amorites - Titans of the Bronze Age
Mot - Death & the Ugarit Underworld
Asray: Ugaritic Underworld Goddess
Turquoise: Precious Stone of Ancients
Ugarit - Trade Hub of Bronze Age Syria
Nekhbet - Vulture Goddess of Egypt
1st Peace Treaty 1258 BCE - the Queens
Tollense Valley Battlefield: Ancient Germania
Urnfield Culture: Bronze & Iron Age Europe
Lusatians - Nordic Bronze Age Cultures
Tumulus Culture - Nordic Bronze Age
Arzawa: Rebel Kingdom of the Bronze Age
Puduhepa: Bronze Age Queen of the Hittites
Ancient Weather God of Nerik: Bronze Age Gods