Moonwort (Botrychium Lunaria): Folklore, Magic and Medicine
Remarkable Islamic Women in History
House of Wisdom: Medieval Scholarship in Baghdad
Almadén Mines: Ancient Mercury Extraction
Avicenna (Ibn Sina) Medieval Islamic Scientist
3 Islamic Alchemists & the House of Wisdom
Democritus: Laughing Philosopher Ahead of His Time
Ancient Traders & Buyers: Art of Testing Metals
Metal Smelting & Metallurgy in the Ancient World
Metal & Gemstone Dyeing in Alchemy
Zosimos of Panopolis: Father of Alchemy
Alchemy in the Renaissance: Quest for Truth
How to Make Venetian Red Artisan Pigment
Science of Onion Tears: Demystifying Acids
Alchemy Process of Congelation: Freezing, Crystallization
Sulfur-Mercury Theory: Alchemical Philosophy
Alchemy Processes Invented by Islamic Alchemists
Salt in Alchemy: Alchemical Uses & Lore
Expulsion of Intellectuals Alexandria 145 BCE
Equipment Alchemists Need: Essential Tools of the Trade