Messalina: Death & Desire in Ancient Rome
Poppaea Sabina: Child Bride to Roman Empress
Black Pigments of Ancient Artisans
Salt Trade - the Most Precious Mineral
Giant Cinnamon Birds of Arabia
Cinnamon - Spice Trade of Ancients
Ornithomancy - Prophecy by the Birds
Minoan Genius (Genii) Helper Spirits
Mythic Fire Gods: Hephaestus of the Greek
Wine God Liber: Liberty & Liberal Libation
Women of the Wild Hunt: Holle, Diana, Frigg
Pagan Christmas Yule Fests: Frau Holle
Mulberry Tree (Morus): Uses, Folklore & Myth
Folk Magic: Fly Agaric (Amanita muscaria)
Pagan Solstice Fests: Mithras & the Sun
Pretty Poisons: Holly, Yew, Mistletoe
Pagan Solstice Fests: Saturnalia
Death Cap Mushrooms: Deadly Poison
Romanesque - Magic of Light & Stone
Steam & Style - Agrippina of the Rhine