Cherish the Chocolate: Sweet Fermentation
Brettanomyces: Favorite Artisan Wild Yeast
Isolate Lactic Acid Bacteria for Artisan Flavors
Sublimation & the Aludel: Medieval Alchemy
Brownian Motion: Physics & Phenomena
Andreas Libavius: Science & Controversy of Alchemy
Silica (SiO2): Nature of Glass & Gems
Silicon (Si): Fueling the Robot Apocalypse
Cobalt (Co): The Little Goblin Who Could
Flowers of Antimony: Pure Medieval Purgative
Ammonium Carbonate: Sal Volatile Smelling Salts
Glass of Antimony: Renaissance Purgatives
Heliozoa: Microscopic Sun Animalcules
Nine Years War 1688-1697 France vs. Europe
Liver of Sulfur: Alchemy, Metal & Medicine
Diana's Tree: Silver Crystals of Lunar Caustic
Iodine (I): Origin, Properties, Uses & Facts
Cornstarch: Cuisine, Beauty, Cleaning Uses
Scheele's Green: History's Most Toxic Pigment
Chlorine (Cl): Properties, Hazards & Uses