Thrace - Warfare, Slavery & Music
Thrace is an ancient region of Bulgaria bordering the Black Sea. In Neolithic and Chalcolithic times the seaport Varna and salt center...
Thrace - Warfare, Slavery & Music
Enkomi: Bronze Age Trade of Cyprus
Casting the Bones - Astragalomancy
Sacred Cave Trapeza (Kronion), Crete
Black Pigments of Ancient Artisans
Lukka: Bronze Age Warrior Sea People
Salt Trade - the Most Precious Mineral
Arcadia - Greek Lands of Ancient Gods
Giant Cinnamon Birds of Arabia
Cinnamon - Spice Trade of Ancients
Ornithomancy - Prophecy by the Birds
Minoan Genius (Genii) Helper Spirits
Lucifer, Venus & Anti-Gods of Mythology
Volcanic Wipeout - 1600 BCE Eruption of Thera
Ancient Greece: Mycenaean Invasion
Spiritual Alchemy: Touching the Divine
Alchemy Symbols: Circle, Snake, Lion
What is the Philosopher's Stone?
Minoans of Crete: Ancient Greek Culture
Ouroboros Glyph: Snake Eating its Tail