Thoth - Ibis Scribe Moon God of Egypt
Sistrum (Sistra) Music: Ancient Egypt
Music of Ancient & Medieval Egypt
Seshat - Scribe Goddess Ancient Egypt
Scribes & Writing - Ancient Egypt
Garnets - Gemstones of Blood and Life
Dream Interpretation (Oneiromancy) - Ancient Egypt
Natron - Ancient Embalming & Household Salts
Khet, the Body: Death Rites of Ancient Egypt
Bitumen - Tarry Trade in Perfect Pitch
Sailing - Bronze Age Sails & Sailcloth
Linen, Hemp & Cotton - Fabrics of Ancient Egypt
Egyptian Blue - First Synthetic Color
Hattusilis III - Great Hittite Kings Bronze Age
Ebony - Precious Wood of Ancients
The Shekelesh - Bronze Age Mysteries
Lukka: Bronze Age Warrior Sea People
Amurru - God of the Amorites
Amurru: Amorite Bronze Age Kingdom
Anubis: Jackal-Headed God of Egypt