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53 items found for "enki"

  • Immortal - Quest for the Elixir of Life

    Having lost his beloved companion Enkidu , Gilgamesh fears aging and death.

  • Ninsun - Lady of the Wild Cows

    of Faerie Today's Zazzle Specials Smashwords Books In the Epic of Gilgamesh Ninsun welcomes wild man Enkidu Enkidu lives in the forest and is "civilized" over two weeks by the sacred prostitute Shamhat. with dream interpretation, Ninsun helps Gilgamesh understand his dreams foretelling the appearance of Enkidu

  • Shamhat: Sacred Prostitute & the Wild Man

    They form the wild man Enkidu as a rival or 'double' of Gilgamesh. In the Epic, Enkidu "knows neither people nor land.” She agrees to soothe the savage nature of Enkidu through sacred lovemaking. Enkidu is greatly flattered but his heart is yet wild. From that moment, Gilgamesh and Enkidu become great friends.

  • Humbaba: Giant Mountain Forest Man

    With his companion Enkidu he reaches the edge of the mythical forests. He and Enkidu begin chopping down trees, only to be stunned by a bolt of power from the angry Humbaba Feeling pity for him Gilgamesh asks his companion, Enkidu, what to do. In triumph Gilgamesh and Enkidu go to the Creator God Enlil to show off their prize. Instead of receiving the praise they expect, Gilgamesh and Enkidu are severely chastised by Enlil for

  • Bull of Heaven - Inanna vs Gilgamesh

    Gilgamesh and his friend Enkidu slay the Bull instead. Smashwords Lora Ley Fantasy Fiction Series Reiker For Hire Murder Mysteries Sylvia Rose Art on Zazzle Enkidu The Gods are horrified at the murder of their sacred animal and condemn Enkidu to death as he's the one In some versions Enkidu is killed outright, and in others he develops a wasting sickness. It's thought the writer(s) of the Akkadian Epic of Gilgamesh added the scene of Enkidu throwing the haunch

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