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53 items found for "enki"

  • Semen - Life & Death in the Ancient World

    of the Woman Crocodilopolis - Sobek Crocodile God Today's Zazzle Specials Smashwords Books The God Enki READ: Cult of the Fire God - Bronze Age Quest Adventure In a story of Enki and how Enki got pregnant, The plants come from his own sperm, which is removed from the womb of Uttu, Enki's latest unwilling sexual Although angry at Enki because he ate the sacred plants, Ninhursag takes pity on him. She receives Enki's ab (semen) and takes inside her the swellings and pain.

  • Aruru - Violent Vegetation Goddess

    She makes Enkidu, a wild man of the Steppe, from a lump of clay. Father Enki stayed outside his city as if it were an alien city. He wept bitter tears. The mother of E-maḫ, holy Damgalnuna [wife of Enki], left her city.

  • Karaca Dağ Volcano: Mountain of Life

    God Enki waters the town Dilmun, at the east coast of the Persian Gulf, by request of mother goddess Stymphalian Birds & Greek Heroics Rise of Pan: Fertility Goat God Péh₂usōn Enki (Ea) God of Water & Creation

  • Sacred Music of Ancient Mesopotamia

    See also: Mamu - Sumerian Goddess of Dreams Enki (Ea) God of Water & Creation Butter - Food of Peasants one Akkadian ritual with a lilissu drum, a bull is brought to the temple and offerings made to Ea (Enki

  • Anzû - Mesopotamian Monster of Mayhem

    In one version Enki the god of water, crafts and creation is the owner of the tablet, stolen by the Bird

  • Ninhursag - Great Mountain Mother

    Her healing role is prominent when she heals the god Enki in the myth Enki and Ninhursag.

  • Gala Priests: Clergy of Goddess Inanna

    Isimud, the sukkal of Enki, related to foundations, will join them on building projects from the first According to an Old Babylonian text, the primordial god Enki creates the Gala especially to sing "heart-soothing

  • Cylinder Seals of the Ancient World

    Greenstone, Scribes & Cylinder Seals Hattusa Green Stone - Mystic Secrets Isimud: Two-Faced Sukkal of Enki

  • Mamu - Sumerian Goddess of Dreams

    Nanshe is a daughter of Enki, primordial God of Water, wisdom and creation.

  • Lahar: Flock & Sheep Pastoral Goddess

    On the advice of Enki (Ea), Enlil chooses the grain goddess Ashnan, and goes back to sleep.

  • Gatumdug: Sumerian Goddess of Lagash

    In the Lament it's written the gods An (Anu), Enki (Ea), Enlil, and Ninmah decide the fate of Ur.

  • Ullikummi - Rock Monster of Legend

    In desperation Teshub abdicates the throne and goes to Ea (Sumerian Enki, primordial God of water, creation

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